This module manages API parts related to projects.
type config = {
id : id; |
name : string; |
created_at : Equinoxe__Equinoxe_intf.Date.t; |
updated_at : Equinoxe__Equinoxe_intf.Date.t; |
Representation of an Equinix Project.
val id_of_string : string -> id
id_of_string str
converts str
into an id
val string_of_id : id -> string
string_of_id id
returns the string that represents the id
val to_string : config -> string
to_string config
returns a string representation of the config
get_from t ~id
returns the config
of the project that is referenced by the id
given in parameter.
val pp : config -> unit
pp config
prints a human readable Project config.